The Longer We Were There
Et plus on restait là-bas
Steven Moore

By Steven Moore / Translated by Julia Malye
Preface by Pauline Maucort
“The war in Afghanistan creates an urgency for telling stories—between soldiers, as they hand off missions to each other, and between soldiers and civilians, trying to explain what is going on—while also denying a lot of the context that is important for the telling of that story. The landscape is so mountainous and isolating that one incident or anecdote might not fit into a bigger picture beyond itself. A patrol may have no effect on the one that comes next. The war has ground itself into such a stasis that it is hard to see movement or plot. Yet we’re there. We have to say something. We have to be accountable, even though the circumstances complicate the ability to talk about it while simultaneously creating a constant yearning to do so.
The Longer We Were There follows a part-time soldier’s experience over seven years in the Iowa Army National Guard. He enlists at seventeen into the infantry, then bounces between college classes, army training, disaster relief, civilian jobs, a deployment in Afghanistan—first on the Afghan-Pakistani border, then into a remote valley in the Hindu Kush Mountains—and finally comes home. His stories are about having one foot on each side of the civilian-military divide, the difficulty of describing one side to those on the other, and how, as a consequence of this difficulty, that divide gets replicated within the self.”

War Diaries (1939-1945)
Journal de guerre (1939-1945)
Evelyn Waugh
By Evelyn Waugh / Edited by Michael Davie
Translated by Julia Malye
“Un cocktail de lucidité et de cynisme sarcastique qui n’épargne rien ni personne.” (Le Figaro Magazine)
“Un cocktail revigorant.” (Le Figaro Histoire)

Bombs Away: The Story of a Bomber Team
Bombes larguées :
Histoire d’un équipage de bombardier
John Steinbeck

By John Steinbeck
Translated by Julia Malye
“A magnificent volume of short novels and an essential World War II report from one of America’s great twentieth-century writers.
On the heels of the enormous success of his masterwork The Grapes of Wrath and at the height of the American war effort John Steinbeck, one of the most prolific and influential literary figures of his generation, wrote Bombs Away, a nonfiction account of his experiences with U.S. Army Air Force bomber crews during World War II. Now, for the first time since its original publication in 1942, Penguin Classics presents this exclusive edition of Steinbeck’s introduction to the then-nascent U.S. Army Air Force and its bomber crew–the essential core unit behind American air power that Steinbeck described as “the greatest team in the world.”
“Steinbeck comme vous ne l’avez jamais lu.”(Le Figaro magazine)
“Une bombe éditoriale haletante et… détonnante.” (Historia)
“Une entreprise étonnante, presque scolaire, d’humilité, d’effacement, par un auteur qui met sa plume au service d’une guerre en laquelle il croit.” (Le Monde des Livres)
“Un livre de propagande du plus grand intérêt historique.”(L’Incorrect)

Pacification in Algeria
Pacification en Algérie
David Galula
By David Galula
Translated by Julia Malye
Preface by Julia Malye
“When Algerian nationalists launched a rebellion against French rule in November 1954, France was forced to cope with a varied and adaptable Algerian strategy. In this volume, originally published in 1963, David Galula reconstructs the story of his highly successful command at the height of the rebellion. This groundbreaking work, with a new foreword by Bruce Hoffman, remains relevant to present-day counterinsurgency operations.”

« Je quittai Hong Kong en février 1956 (…) J’étais fatigué du monde des renseignements, j’avais raté la guerre en Indochine, je pensais en savoir assez sur les insurrections et je voulais tester certaines de mes théories. »
Dans Pacification en Algérie, ouvrage inédit en France, le lieutenant-colonel David Galula, théoricien majeur élevé au rang de « Clausewitz de la contre-insurrection » par les stratèges américains, raconte sa conquête, par petites touches, des populations de Kabylie, préalable indispensable à la destruction des organisations politico-administratives du FLN.”
“… le lecteur de Galula pourra grâce à lui se projeter dans les opérations contemporaines, de l’Afghanistan au Mali…”
Le Monde – 15/04/2016
“La guerre d’Algérie telle que vécue par un officier de carrière capable d’un recul assorti d’un rare esprit d’analyse.”
Historia – 15/04/2016
“Comment un officier français, quasi inconnu de son vivant, est devenu, cinquante ans après sa mort, le nouveau maître à penser des guerres du XXIe siècle.”
Le magazine littéraire – 01/06/2016
“David Galula raconte son expérience de pacification, au jour le jour, dans une région rebelle.”
Le Figaro littéraire – 19/05/2016
“La guerre d’Algérie sur le grill”